Customized Social Distancing Stickers


Social Distancing is a crucial measure we as a community need to take to protect our loved ones and friends. Ensure people are maintaining a safe distance in your store or office by installing these stickers as a guide and reminder.

Social Distancing Protective Barriers For Your Business

Take that extra step to protect your employees and customers with protective barriers that create a wall between the two people. They will protect the interacting people from spreading any germs through sneezing, coughing, or even talking.



Make people aware of maintaining social distancing during the recent pandemic situation by placing Social Distancing Stickers on cars, windows, and high traffic areas such as your store or business. Remember that a small effort from everyone can make a difference in reducing numbers of sick people in the area you live in! Remind people of their responsibilities by promoting social distancing everywhere through personalized stickers with important notices. Slowing the spread of the virus will only be possible if each one of us is willing to contribute towards maintaining social distance. For the greater good, enhancing social distancing in different places from neighborhood, pharmacies to shopping malls can be maintained with creation of awareness. Include various messages like maintaining social distancing of at least 6 feet, keeping distance while standing, protecting self and others by not touching the wall, bulk custom stickers placed will draw people’s attention in public places.

The custom vinyl stickers pasted around meeting rooms, restrooms, washrooms, kitchens, and canteens will ensure that people maintain the distance to flatten the curve. Made from vinyl material with polyester reinforcement and removable adhesive, these sturdy stickers will remain visible for years. Designed to catch people’s eyes, these colorful wall stickers and floor decals will serve their purpose than regular message boards and posters. Being vibrant, custom bumper stickers will be visible even from the distance and passersby will take notice as they walk past. Support local charities by selling personalized stickers and help raise funds for providing care packages and food to old homes, care units, orphanage and shelters. Seeing custom logo stickers will inspire healthy lifestyle and positive habits.

Employees or business owners can giveaway custom made stickers to promote their name and also inform customers and employees of guidelines to slow down the spread of virus. Prevent transmission of infection during infectious disease outbreaks by cautioning others at your community with custom printed stickers printed with easy-to-read messaging with vibrant colors. Make custom stickers the new norms with guidelines for people to follow. The community-based transmissions of viral infections are alarming, so emphasize on the importance of social distancing with bulk custom stickers to distribute them to everyone!

We print custom stickers with best graphics and print qualities for them to be noticeable even from the distance for the target crowd. Choose from our assortments of best custom stickers that suit the theme of your business, restaurant, store, and institution. Exposure to the virus will take more lives, so it is high time that we take responsibility to save lives in our own communities. The awareness custom logo stickers will put serious situation like this into perspectives before more residents from the community gets affected from viral infection. Reinforce the message and order custom stickers to signify social distancing or how it will keep everyone safe from the disease, slow down the spread and flatten curves. Paste the custom decal stickers to identify or use as markers for maintaining distance in a safe way so that no one is affected by someone else’ sneezing, coughing or conversation.

We have bulk custom stickers with footprint markers that will come handy for the owners of stores and gas stations. Make custom stickers ideal tools to promote social distancing among shoppers and visitors. Any place where queues need to be strictly followed during the pandemic, the personalized stickers will act as markers for people to remain cautious. Thus, remind people where to stand and how much distance to maintain for safety to shop and let others shop when queuing with custom printed stickers. For personal protection to keep distance with neighbors, you can put on these custom car stickers with the messages of social distancing. Make sure that people affected by cold and cough maintain distances needed to prevent the spread of infection and transmission of corona virus. Designed for indoor uses, our custom made stickers will promote the message of social distancing. For collectors, custom stickers will be the collectibles to remind them of COVID survival era.