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You won’t know what you’re doing, whether it was successful or when you’re done if you don’t apply analytical skills before you plunge ahead. The simple journalists’ questions will lead you to sound thinking about objectives.

Why Customized Items?

Relate your company’s overall marketing aim to your campaign goal. For example, if seasonality is a problem in your business, responding to that is a marketing aim that lends itself to promotions.

What Suitable Items for Give-Aways?

Be specific. What customer response are you looking for when giving customized items? It might be an increase in sales overall, an increase in purchases from current customers, or an increase in repeat sales after that first trial by a new customer. There are not all the response possibilities, just a list to start you thinking. So, maybe keychains or coffee mugs for loyal customers.

How much/how many customized items?

If you’re in business, you should be able to state your gross sales, your cost of goods sold, your overhead, and therefore your profit margin. Some portion of that profit margin is the dollar amount you have to play with to seed your promotional program. State your budget constraints and profit parameters, the minimum and maximum dollars you will spend, and the profit you would like to realize from that expense. Measure and budget for creating customized items for an event or expos.

That answers” how much”. To answer “how many,”, state the response you want in number. Both measures are important in understanding exactly what behaviors you want to stimulate with your promotional program.

When to give?

State the time during which you will promote your offer and during which you will redeem it. Is it in an expo or events? Or maybe during email subscriptions or website downloads? It depends on touch-points.

To Whom?

Describe the demographics, including geographical area and purchasing habits, of the customers to whom you are targeting your promotions. A keychains or customized items for repeating customers. A coffee mugs or t-shirts for participants who joined your contest.

In summary, customized items can be used for promotional items and builds relationships.

Nick Colis

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