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Custom big head cutouts are one of the newest trends for creating the most unique Halloween costume.

Custom big head cutout, also known as “big head cutouts” or “face cutouts,” are oversized cardboard or foam board cutouts of people’s faces. These cutouts can be used to mimic famous celebrities, movie characters, or memes in a humorous or spooky way during Halloween. 

Big head cutouts provide an opportunity to create unique, attention-grabbing, and memorable Halloween costumes that stand out from the crowd. Whether you aim for humor, personalization, or group coordination, a personalized big head cutout can be a fantastic addition to your Halloween attire.

Custom big head cutouts can make for unique and attention-grabbing Halloween costumes in several ways:


Customized big head cutouts allow you to create a costume that reflects your unique interests, personality, or humor. You can design a big head that represents your favorite character, celebrity, or even an inside joke, making it more meaningful and distinctive.

Size and Visibility:

Big heads are larger than regular costume masks, making them more visible and eye-catching at Halloween parties or while trick-or-treating. This increased size ensures that you stand out in a crowd.

Photo Opportunities:

Custom big heads are perfect for photo ops. You can pose for pictures with friends and family, and your costume will likely become a highlight of the Halloween photo album.

Memorable Impression:

People tend to remember unique and creative costumes. Your own big head cutout can leave a lasting impression on those you meet during Halloween festivities.

Group Costumes:

Custom big heads are an excellent choice for group costumes. You and your friends or family can dress up as a theme or character from a particular movie, TV show, or story, creating a cohesive and attention-grabbing ensemble.

Easy Recognition:

With a custom big head cutout, you’re instantly recognizable, even from a distance. This can be especially helpful at crowded parties or events where identifying your group members might otherwise be challenging.


Big heads can be combined with a variety of outfits, so you have the flexibility to be as creative as you want with your costume. Whether you pair it with a simple outfit or a more elaborate one, the big head will remain the focal point.


Custom big heads can add an element of humor to your costume. You can exaggerate features, create caricatures, or incorporate funny expressions to entertain and amuse others.

DIY or Professional:

You can choose to create your own big head cutout as a DIY project or have it professionally made. DIY options can be cost-effective, while professional ones can offer more intricate designs and higher quality. Professionally printed big head cutout requires little work, and they do not have ugly cardboard lines that may be difficult to get rid of while making DIY cardboard face cutouts.

Conversation Starter:

Wearing a custom big head can be an excellent conversation starter at Halloween parties, allowing you to connect with others who share your interests or appreciate your creativity.

Choosing your custom Big Head 

Start by selecting the Halloween character you want to create a big head for. This could be a classic monster like Frankenstein, a pop culture icon, a famous movie character, or even an original creation.

Decide how big you want the head to be in proportion to your body. Big heads are typically much larger than a human head, so consider the practicality of wearing it. As you will be carrying the head around, it’s easier for it to be light and not too large. Otherwise, you will find it difficult to hold and transport it to and from events. offers head cutouts in two different materials: card stock and foam

Cardboard is an inexpensive choice. Cardboard head cutouts are lightweight and durable, allowing you to print the face of a friend, family member, any character or favorite player. If you just intend to use the head cutout once, cardboard may be a suitable option. However, a cardboard face cutout may not do well in the rain or strong winds. In the wrong conditions, they are prone to bending and deterioration. Our cardstock big heads come in 12” X 18” measurements and can be ordered with stick

Foam big heads are almost equally affordable as cardboard. Because of their hollow foam construction and semi-gloss surface, foam core gigantic head cutouts are light and eye-catching. The colors pop, and the board is really stable. You won’t have to worry about the rain destroying the enormous head cutout, and it will remain functional throughout multiple usage. Our Foam  Big head cutouts can be ordered in 12 x 18 Inch, 2 Ft, 3 Ft, 4 Ft and 6Ft sizes. 

End Note: 

Personalized big head cutouts offer a fun and creative way to bring horror, humor, entertainment, and personalization to various events during Halloween. They can be customized to match specific themes and can be a hit with guests or attendees looking for a good time and memorable photos.

Creating customized big head cutouts for Halloween characters is a creative process, so don’t be afraid to experiment and have fun with it. The more attention you pay to detail and character accuracy, the more impressive your costume will be.

It allows you to express your creativity and stand out at Halloween parties and events. For best results, to plan ahead, take your time with the details, and make sure the printed big head size is comfortable to wear for extended periods. provides the highest quality head or face cutouts for the lowest cost. We also offer big head signs. Our big head cutouts can be ordered with stick or without stick. The prices vary based on the size and material of the cutout. Our imaging team can personalize your picture without any extra fees. Our editing includes red eye removal, acne reduction, scar removal, etc. to increase photo quality. We can also add custom text, heartfelt message on the reverse side. The text will vary based on the characters submitted. Our imaging team can also add vibrant hats, graduation suit, party props to your image for a fun Halloween costume. Small or large company can also order from us for their office Halloween party or sporting event. We offer regular shipping and rushed shipping. For personalized big head cutouts, the expected delivery date can be 3 to 7 business days. For any available cutout in the shop, we can deliver the artwork in a business day.

Fabiha Farzin

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